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Into the New Year

I am back with some great news! My senior design project is coming along nicely. I have started putting together an animatic, I am currently actually animating a bit of the pieces now. I have the first section completed. I have about four more to go! Then I can start collecting images to collage together!

I have chosen the final color scheme for my robots. They may adjust depending on the background colors, but they should stick out since I plan on using a style of collage I have developed over the years.

I have also been working on Princess Flux: Journeys of the Abstract Princess. Panels are being finished very nicely. A colored page may be included over the next few pages since it is shorter and less involved than the other ones. It depends on how far I get in rendering the others. One of the pages are pretty intense, and I'm pretty excited to show you guys!

Finally I've decided I actually wanted to do some animations this upcoming year. You may or may not remember the blog post from the beginning of the year. There I've outlined the types of animation projects and other items I wished to complete. With school I found out I can't be too ambitious. If anything I can only do one project over the course of the semester. However, it is my last semester at university before I work a little and continue my education for a more advanced degree. I would hopefully have more time to do one or two projects concurrently.

I haven't had the chance to work on an independent video game, but since I have been part of a game development class, I have worked on a few games with other people. I will finish editing my game videos for my second and third game in the class and produce the character art for the fourth game. My senior thesis will hopefully also be part game, so I'll have that to make up for that month I gave myself to create a small game...Boy was that ambitious. Granted I had something started as an RPG maker. It would only be another example of my story telling skills versus game coding might, but it was a fun experiment. I'll probably properly right out a script or story over the next few months since I was going with the flow with it initially.

The stories are still in progress. Gayle's story I took a small break since I obtained writer's block from it. However, that leads into my earlier topic of this oh so long blog.

I'm going to be primarily focusing on 2D (on a rare occasion 3D) animations for the upcoming year! I wanted to do something a bit more hearty than beginning lesson animations (i.e. the lip sync project), so I've sat down and outlined a few ideas. I'll talk about this process at a later time. One of the ideas that really resonated with me was to make "teaser" or normal trailers of the story ideas of made over the years. Gayle's story will be one of them made into a trailer. Hopefully through working through that process I will find the fire to continue putting the story together! At least I know the beginning, middle, and end of the first story / book. I just need to figure out how to fill in the pockets in between.

The first animation, however, will not be Gayle's story. I'm going back to about 2014 where I developed a character Elliot Roseberry who can control the shadows. I had remnants of his character profile sprinkled here and there across a few website, but I actually found the story plot I wrote out a few years ago this morning. I was so happy I remembered most of the details!! Anyway, below are some concept sketches of the character. I've drawn him once back in the day, so now he has a bit of a character design change. I have to keep practice drawing him especially since I'm going to be using him and a few more characters in the in the animation!

Until next year,

Ja ne!

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