Happy New Year from Operation: UGAWTS!
We made it to the new year! My brother was about to set off a pack of fireworks called "Sabotage." My superstitious self refused to allow that, and he used a different set of fireworks to ring in the new year.
2020 was a fun year creatively speaking. There have been new characters that spurred on new stories.
Aurora joins the Diamond household with Evneli and Vinalee. Guard your snack drawer. You don't want this thief to get her hands on them!

Miss Tako takes the internet by storm with her cute self. She may be dreaming about spending the rest of her days with a partner, but Tako enjoys giving romantic advice!

Cole Mord is a character from my upcoming fantasy crime short series The Cat in Rabbit's Fur. He's technically a lord of the sea, but he spends most of his time participating in human sports.

Fenziè (?) joins Supoya's team as the enthusiastic mage specializing in an explosion based magic! If you need a hypeman, she's your girl!

And one of the latest character's in progress is Berru! She's Needle's (?) rival to the Plushie Queen crown, and ally in finding out who's been tearing the plushies apart!

There are many more characters and creatures and world building design choices I made in 2020, and I intend on fleshing them out more this year!
Projects that I would love to finish this year:
Publish the three short stories of The Cat in Rabbit's Fur
Publish a magazine featuring entries for the Blacktober 2020 challenge.
This would mean for me to finish the challenge. There are about twelve (12) more entries give or take. Some I may skip.
Princess Paeosfu cards version 2.
I had started a portrait series for my established characters, and I would like to reformat them into collectible cards.
Remaster my coloring book pages!
Work on and eventually finish book one of Princess Paeosfu.
That's it for the for sure projects that have at least been started. I have mini projects here and there and "would love to do, but would like to focus on other things" projects too. And there may be more projects popping up along the way!
Either way, I hope this year would be productive for art.
Follow my twitter for the most active art (and rare) life updates. Subscribe to my email list if you're interested in shop sales, story releases, and special offers! And Happy New Year!
Ja nè!