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Hello February!

Happy Lunar New Year and welcome to February! I've had my fill of snow for the season, but I prefer the ground to be covered in white fluff than seeing dry, crusty grass and leafless trees!

January started off strong with me completing or starting a few fan art projects:

Along with writing some poems:

Through all the seasons and beneath many moons, always and forever, I'll love you.
Through all the seasons and beneath many moons, always and forever, I'll love you.

I've made progress on chapter three of Princess Paeosfu: Journeys of the Abstract Princess, and I've had several people express interest in whether or not I make comics. I'm definitely tempted to draft a few one shots. I have enough material to do it!

With school back in session, I've been sketching more during classes, so I'll be doing a sketchbook dump sometime soon over on my Patreon! It's definitely a mix of art requests, doodles, original characters, and self-indulgent fan art drawings. Some may be rendered; some will remain sketches. I've come to accept that's okay!

I had two events in January. One went well and the other was okay. I definitely learned not to spend so much on prints when I don't sell many in the first place. We live and learn! I also changed my booth layout...again. My second event definitely helped me figure out what was working and what was not, and I'm excited to present my modified version of my booth. (No pics yet. It's currently being practiced on the floor of my room! ) Let's just say gone is some corkboard and one of my favorite colors is more apparent on a certain spinning tower!

Now what to look forward to other than (hopefully) snazzy booth photos?

Upcoming Events:

Macomb Community College, Warren, MI February 25

5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

February 26

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

I'll be attending Ohayocon February 10 - 13 as an attendee hoping to acquire an artist alley table. If you're attending too, let me know! Otherwise, keep an eye on socials for if I manage to claim a booth or not!

Midland Mall, Midland, MI

March 5

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

March 6

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Seagate Convention Center, Toledo, OH

March 12

11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

March 13

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Alma College, Alma, MI

( Hogan Arena )

March 26

10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

March 27

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Upcoming Projects

  • Finish Princess Paeosfu: Journeys of the Abstract Princess chapter three.

  • Introduce Nanilo and Hachilo to Ilo Jelly Monster lineup!

  • Finish birthday art for Finral Roulacase from Black Clover and maybe do birthday art for Nico Robin from One Piece.

  • Render "chibi" Franky, Brooke, and Jinbe from One Piece at least to put on buttons.

  • Finish Oshowatt.

  • Draft poster designs for Berru and her Teddy Bear Picnic "versus" Needle and Thread.

  • Finish Evnelise's entry for Grinning Hand Series and start another rendering another character!

  • Render Teen Titan sketches.

We'll see how much I can get done before the Great Lakes Comic Convention. Thankfully I have sketches for most of these art projects. All I need to do is render them which is a bit difficult to do in the middle of class. Let the grinding begin?

Stay frosty and until next time!


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