LOVEly February; This Month's Goals
Welcome to the bonus round as I take you through what I'm planning to do for the month of February.
If you're interested in reading what I managed to do in January, see my previous blog post! A lot of what I'm doing this year will be carried over from what I did not complete in January and from the rough outline I had set up in my New Year's post! So let's get started!
Youtube Channel Revival
I'd like to do a little experiment this month where I do a "what's been happening?" segment on my channel. It would basically be me talking about my monthly goals as a recap in the style similar to a story time animation. What I place in my blogs would basically be my script. It'd be a lot of work, but I'd like to give a try!
Rough Schedule:
- Week of February 3rd: Script and script editing.
- Week of February 10th: Gather and create assets I may need.
- Week of February 17th: Record and edit.
- Week of February 24th: Hopefully have the video posted before then, but post it this week!
We'll see how that goes. Additionally, as mentioned in my last blog, I'd like to stitch together a small animation reel showing off the animations I did in 2018 and in January. I'll leave out the animations I already posted, but it may be like fifteen seconds of animation in total. It won't be much, but it'd be something!
Of course I will still aim to create biweekly animations! Expect to see something February 15 and March 1!
Chicks and Ann
Every day in the week of February 10, I'm going to create a background for this illustration!! There are about 14 pages, so that's two per day. I just need to make progress on this children's book. The backgrounds don't have to be perfected until mid-March,
The Dark Rose
The animatic is going to be done by the end of this month!
- I'll start stitching the images together and adding supplementary images where necessary this week.
- Voices will be figured out next week.
- The week of the 17th I'm recording voices, editing, and adding them to the animatic.
I'll add additional sound effects when needed!
As a bonus, I'll work on character poses for Eli and Ninsen! It could be something I reward myself with at each milestone!
Princess Paeosfu: Journeys of the Abstract Princess
The fun begins.
I'm starting on the backlog of my comic. Dun. Dun. Duuuuuun. I currently have roughs of page 20, but I may redo it. I've read Andy Fish's handy little book "How to Draw Graphic Novel Style" which is a nice reference! The most potent information I gained was to aim for the three rows, two column square layout or for the 3 row three column rectangular layout and make variations of that. With the layout I have currently for page 20, that's not the layout I have. I'm redoing it, and hopefully my layouts will start looking nicer!
I'm going to be adopting the schedule I made at the end of my August post for how I"m moving this month.
Week 2/3/19: Sketch out page 20A; Sketch out page 20B; Thumbnail sketch out page 21 and 22; Sketch out page 21; write out scenes in chapter two.
Week 2/10/19: Refine pages 20A &B; Lineart pages 20A & B; Thumbnail sketch page 23 and 24; Refine page 21; write out scenes in chapter two.
Week 2/17/19: Color 20A and queue 20A; Lineart page 21; Refine page 22; thumbnail sketch page 24 and 25; write out scenes in chapter two.
Week 2/24/19: Color and queue page page 20B; Sketch page 23; Color and queue page 21; Lineart page 22; thumbnail final page 26.
So by the end of this month and beginning of March I'd like to have chapter one completely concepted and most if not all of chapter two broken down for me to start on chapter two. I may find that a few of my pages may need to be broken down a bit more to fit that 6 panel or 9 panel structure. I'd have at least three pages already queued and eight pages drafted. That's my ultimate goal!! Each week has five listed items for me to do over a span of seven days. If I need a break, I could take it. If I want to get started on next week, I could do that too. If I happen to fall behind, I can hopefully catch up!
This is my plan. I now just have to work it!
From reading over everything, it can seem like a lot. Really if I devoted two hours a day--one for the Abstract Princess and the other for The Dark Rose--it should't be bad! I sprinkle in some work on the other projects, and I'd have more time to do other artworks~! That's basically a stream session!
I do have the button bug, but I aim to complete as much buttons as I can over the next few days, create them Wednesday and focus on the bigger projects for the rest of the week. I have an event this Sunday where I hope to debut the buttons, but there isn't a huge rush. Really the big day would be February 22 and 23 where I will be attending a Wizarding event. I'd like to have all my buttons completed by then. I have only planned for fifteen buttons, and seven are completed already and three shouldn't take more than an hour to line art and color! I do have to edit the buttons I have already made since I used the button template incorrectly. That shouldn't be a very time-consuming fix.
Other than the buttons, I don't have any other works in progress I am hoping to finish any time soon! I'd be fine. I just have to stay focused!
A couple buttons I've created:
I may try to get in a short blog this Saturday, but I'd be busy setting up for my event, so I won't make any promises. Look out for a blog definitely around February 15!
Ja ne~!!